Palestine Investment Bank Manages Security Posture with GEODI

Palestine Investment Bank Manages Security Posture with GEODI


❝ For our recent Data Classification project (DECE, GEODI), the collaboration between our internal team (PIB), the vendor DECE Software & our partner TJDEED Technology played a critical role in its success. As the implementer, our team was responsible for understanding the intricate needs of our organization, ensuring that the data classification framework was tailored to our specific requirements. We worked closely with DECE Software & TJDEED Technology, who provided the robust tools and technical expertise necessary for the project. Their solution allowed us to streamline the classification process, making it more efficient and accurate. Together, this partnership not only ensured the seamless integration of the system into our existing infrastructure but also empowered us to safeguard sensitive data, enhance compliance, and improve overall data governance across the organization.❞

-Abdulrahim Hasan - Palestine Investment Bank - IT Director

Palestine Investment Bank (PIB), founded in 1994 by a group of esteemed Arab and Palestinian bankers, has always been dedicated to the development of Palestine’s economy. Operating 22 branches across the country and with over 700 employees, PIB places great importance on protecting its customers' sensitive information, in line with its core values of truthfulness, honesty, and excellence.

To enhance data protection and prevent leakage of critical information, PIB turned to GEODI's Data Discovery and Classification solution.


As PIB expanded, the complexity of managing vast amounts of data across multiple locations became a challenge. Sensitive data was spread across PCs, shared folders, and databases, making it difficult for PIB’s information security teams to ensure data protection and compliance. The localization needs were must to have to comply with local regulation and custom needs of the PIB bank which founded 30 years ago and contains very different type of sensitive information within its data sources. With over 3 million documents stored within decades of data, the bank faced challenges in accurately discovering, classifying, and securing information, especially unstructured data.


PIB partnered with GEODI to deploy a comprehensive data discovery and classification solution. GEODI consolidated various data sources, detecting sensitive and personal data in both structured and unstructured formats using advanced semantic discovery techniques. Additionally, users were empowered to classify documents and emails on their PCs through GEODI's flexible classification levels and intuitive plugins, ensuring smoother adoption.

PIB’s security teams also automated the classification of data based on GEODI’s intelligent recognizers and analysis, making sure critical information was securely identified and managed.


Thanks to GEODI, PIB saw immediate benefits. Each day, an average of 6,000 files and emails are now automatically classified. More than 3 million documents were scanned, discovered and automatically classified across the bank’s shared folders and PCs. Unnecessary sensitive data can be quickly quarantined or deleted, ensuring only essential data remains in the system.

Incremental scans allow for continuous monitoring, while GEODI’s semantic search features enable the team to quickly locate critical information when needed. Classified sensitive data fields are also accurately done, the tagged files are now available for preventing leakage through DLP solutions. The entire data landscape at PIB is now manageable and secure, with new data continuously classified for protection. The Data Security Posture of PIB is all under control with GEODI’s persistence data scan, discovery, classification and remediation functionalities.


GEODI's cutting-edge Natural Language Processing-based Semantic Discovery, Classification, and Search capabilities have empowered PIB to manage its complex data structures effectively. With easy configuration and end-user adoption, PIB’s staff embraced a culture of data security and privacy. PIB continues to meet regulatory compliance with GDPR, PCI/DSS, and Information Security standards while ensuring the integrity and protection of its sensitive data.

Palestine Investment Bank's success story showcases the power of GEODI in transforming data management and safeguarding customer information across a rapidly growing enterprise.

We would like to thank our Partner TJDEED Technology for their support and collaboration in the project.

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