GEODI is a powerful, AI-driven data discovery and analysis tool that excels in handling both structured and unstructured data. By integrating AI and natural language processing (NLP), GEODI bridges diverse data formats, enabling users to access and search through a wide range of content from a single platform.
Now, this data is available for chat and discovery with GEODI Q, the LLM within the GEODI.
How an AI Assistant with GEODI Works
Have you tried Support Q? Support Q is an example of what GEODI Q is able to do. It is our AI assistant for mainly the tech and salespeople. Support Q is feed by the information on our support sites, FAQs and Developer's sites and a few more. Instead of search, just ask and enjoy the answer. Support Q is just a working example of a GEODI-powered AI assistant.
Now it is time to build yours. If you have the data, the rest is easy. No matter what is the format of the data, GEODI can consume and create an AI assistant. When you update a content in GEODI your AI assistant will also be updated.
This assistant can be available to GEODI users through a dashboard or you may also publish it through on your Intranet or Internet. You may open the assitant to any user or require a login.
Some of the possibilities:
Don’t wait, start and AI assistant with GEODI and change your business.
AI Assistant is just an example of what GEODI Q is capable of. We carried recognition technology to LLM and the results are amazing.
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