


The technology behind GEODI is key to successful projects. GEODI utilizes some technologies to save you work and increase your success. We do our best to provide our users with the best support and technology.

Here are some of the main headlines:

Unstructured Data

Unstructured data is inevitable in today's digital age, constituting a significant portion of daily information generated. By effectively analyzing and organizing this data, businesses can uncover hidden patterns, trends, and relationships often missed in structured data analysis. This process enhances decision-making, fuels innovation, and ensures the organization can leverage all available data to achieve its strategic objectives.  

GEODI processes unstructured data on documents, e-mails, web pages, and more. GEODI will discover and make it searchable without requiring a specific format.

NLP, Natural Language Processing

NLP is a crucial technology for processing unstructured data. A discovery tool must discover sensitive data in texts without rules. GEODI overcomes this tricky task with NLP. NLP is one of the actors behind GEODI's high-accuracy discovery.


Based on the NLP Functionalities, GEODI helps you with Semantic Queries, searching, discovering, or classifying.  You may search for documents with more than 1M Dollars and an IBAN inside. You may search for the document types, date intervals, and more. GEODI semantic features work with auto-classification policies as well.


AI is all over GEODI. There are recognizers with pre-trained ML models, an unsupervised document classifier, TextPro that learns from the content, and GEODI FacePro that detects faces in images and videos. Each of these AI uses makes GEODI more effective and leaves users less work.

A recent but one of the most influential AI developments is the GEODI LLM.


ChatGPT has permanently transformed the world and our understanding of AI. It is a great tool, but it does not know about your private data. Public data feeds it, and it is very good at that. GEODI LLM is designed for your private data if you need some functionality. GEODI LLM brings your private and LLM together.

We use RAG to keep private data private. No private data is sent to LLM servers, but questions only. You can build in-house chatbots for different departments. Each chatbot will have different expertise. They will have very up-to-date information as long as GEODI discovery is running.

GEODI integrates with ChatGPT, Gemini, and LaLaMa. Each of these LLMs has its advantages. LaLaMa is unique as it can be on-prem.

LLMs can be utilized for automatic classification, discovery of challenging tasks, generating document summaries, and more.


TextPro uses word2vec technology to classify documents. It uses word and document embeddings to generate feature vectors for documents. It is very similar to LLMs but much faster in some tasks.

Due to performance issues, LLMs may not be suitable for classy millions of documents, but TextPro is.

TextPro is unsupervised. It looks at the documentation in the GEODI workspace, finds “similar” documents, and groups them. You name the group.    

We believe in AI and continue to use AI technologies in GEODI.


Low-code saves life. GEODI provides many low-code possibilities in recognizers, panels, reports, integrations, masking, and more. Minimal code parts change the behavior. You do not have to be a programmer for that.


Integrations, including file servers, PCs, SharePoint, Databases, e-mails, and more, are essential to cover your data lake.   You may check the link below to see the list of sources GEODI Connects:

Support: GEODI Data Sources

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Search, Discover, Mask, Encrypt, Classify

We Protect Your Data